Home >> Washington >> Ac - Kr >> Gillies Funeral Home
Send Flowers to:
Gillies Funeral Home
202 Front StLynden, WA 98264
(360) 354-4428
Flower delivery to Gillies Funeral Home provided by:
Florist One
Which local florist should you use? Florist One is a national florist not located in Washington State.
We use a preferred network of local florists. Shop with Florist One and use the best local florist!
Blossoms Floral Etc.
508 Front St
Lynden, WA 98264
0.2 miles away
Homestead Nurseryland & Florist
31888 Marshall Rd.
Abbotsford, BC V2T 5Z9
8.1 miles away
Jensen Ferndale Floral
2071 Vista Dr.
Ferndale, WA 98248
9.3 miles away